Why I made my action plan

Why did i make my action plan?

i made my action plan so i could organise my pre production for my movie effectively and efficiently so i have the best outcome for my course work. so i could do everything in order and nothing gets missed out.

why is it important that i make an action plan?

if anything is missed out it could effect the results of my movie and may not be made as efficiently as it could be

The process i went through to create this was look at an image of a mind map and other people's blogs who have made a movie so i looked at all the tasks we had to complete in order to make the movie, put them in order and made sure i had all the relevant ones that i needed for the preproduction of my movie on my action plan.

i predict the outcome of my production will be positive due to my action plan as it would have made it more effective as everything would have been organised.


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