Check List

Green = A Compulsory task that has been completed

I made my checklist so I could keep on top of all my pre-production work and I knew exactly what I need to be doing in order to come out with the most successful media product. Not only did I complete all of the compulsory tasks I also completed other additional tasks. This is relevant to my pre-production because if I didn't have a checklist I wouldn't know which tasks are most important and which ones I have done/haven't done/need to do.

D+C2:F37ocument Document  Paragraph? done? ON TRACK 
action plan x x x
budget x x x
call sheet/schoot schedu;le x x x
case study: monsters  x x x
case study: one mile away  x x x
case study: world war z x x x
cast (incl.personall details) x x x
character profile x x x
codes of practice and regulations 
contingency plan  x x x
equipmnet list 
fedback on ideas x x x
film treatment/proposal x x x
finalised script x x x
ideas x x x
letters (permissions)  x x x
lighting (test shots)
location recce x x x
locatuion permissions/clearances x x x
meeting notes (multiple) x x x
pe-production report (learning aim A) x x x
post production plan
production log x x x
production schedule x x x
costume x x x
release forms x x x
research x x x
risk assessment x x x
script (drafting)
shot lists
sound/copyright (music) x x x
source of finance x x x
storyboard x x x
weather forcast checks


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